In light of the remaining ice and black ice on roadways, sidewalks and parking lots, District 186 will have an e-learning day Tuesday, January 23, 2024. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our utmost priority, and we thank you for your understanding as we collectively navigate through these weather challenges. We will be in school on January 24, 2024. Students are expected to login for instruction. Attendance will be taken and recorded as follows: Elementary School: Attendance will be taken during their scheduled Google Meet session with their teacher | Students should log in to Canvas and join the Google Meet session during the time provided by their teacher. Elementary School message for those classrooms that did not send home devices: Families will receive a direct message today because a few classrooms did not send home devices on Friday because of MAP testing and other individual classroom needs. Each classroom or school that is affected will send a direct communication by the principal or classroom teacher. Please make sure to read these communications. Middle School + High School: Students must log into InfoSystem to confirm their attendance. Attendance will be processed at the end of the day. Students that DO NOT log into the Infosystem will be marked absent. Teachers can also request changes based on student participation. Students and families should check email and Canvas for instruction updates from their school. For more information, please visit our E-Learning webpage. Project SCOPE will be open for currently enrolled SCOPE students from 7:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. at four combined locations. Please visit the SCOPE webpage to see where your child should attend SCOPE on an E-Learning Day. Please contact your student’s school with any direct questions about e-learning. As always, be safe and happy learning. We appreciate your patience as we navigate through an e-learning day.
4 months ago, SPS District 186
 E- Learning | January 23, 2024
District staff, families and students, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your resilience and patience in navigating e-learning. Special kudos to our students for consistently logging in, following directions for attendance, and diligently completing assignments. Many of you have already turned your sights to tomorrow. We know that clear weather advice can be elusive and unpredictable. At this time, we plan to be in session. However, please make sure to have a plan in place for both in-school and e-learning. If, for any reason, an extra day is needed, we will make the call by 6 a.m. tomorrow based on updates from First Student Bus Service. As of now, the forecast predicts temperatures above freezing, with a gradual warm-up throughout the day. Your understanding during these weather-related decisions is truly valued. Thanks for your continued patience as we navigate through the winter weather updates and make the best decisions for everyone involved. #connect186 #sps186 #weare186
4 months ago, SPS District 186
we appreciate you
Reminder ALL Middle School & High School students must log into InfoSystem to confirm their attendance for today, January 22, 2024! Attendance will be processed at the end of the day, so please log on and get your attendance confirmed! Students that DO NOT log into the Infosystem will be marked absent! Elementary school attendance with devices at home: All Elementary students' attendance will be taken during their scheduled Google Meet session with their teacher. Students should log in to Canvas and join the Google Meet session during the time provided by their teacher. Elementary school message for those classrooms that did not send home devices: Some families have received a direct message today because a few classrooms did not send home devices on Friday because of MAP testing and other individual classroom needs. Each classroom or school that is affected has sent a direct communication by the principal or the classroom teacher. Please make sure to read these communications. Thank you! We apologize for any worry or confusion that this has caused for some across the District. We understand your frustration when unpredictable weather occurs and want to put your mind at ease again that students will not be penalized in any way for grades or attendance because they do not have their device for today’s e-learning day. Thank you for following these alternate plans as we continue to navigate and improve the use of e-learning opportunities. *Please note that all middle school and high school athletic and extra- curricular activities and practices have been canceled for today, January 22, 2024.
4 months ago, SPS District 186
Elementary Families: We are receiving reports that, for a variety of reasons, some elementary classrooms across the District did not send their iPads or Chromebook devices home on Friday. We want to assure you that students will not be penalized for attendance and the individual schools or classrooms that are affected will communicate directly with the families regarding the situation. School Leaders will share information with affected families via email and other direct communication by early tomorrow morning at the latest. Please look for these messages.. We appreciate your support and patience as we navigate this issue. We understand your frustration and want to put your mind at ease again that students will not be penalized in any way for grades or attendance because they do not have their device for tomorrow’s e-learning day. To reiterate, each classroom or school that is affected by this will have a direct communication provided to them by the principal or the classroom teacher. We apologize for any worry or confusion that this has caused for some across the district.
4 months ago, SPS District 186
In light of the ongoing winter weather conditions, District 186 will have an e-learning day  Monday, January 22, 2024. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our utmost priority, and we thank you for your understanding as we collectively navigate through these weather challenges. We fully anticipate returning to school on January 23, 2024 in person.  Please check your email for the e-learning instructions for attendance and more.
4 months ago, SPS District 186
e learning day Monday January 22
We are keeping a close eye on the evolving winter weather. We know planning ahead is essential for families, and we want to give you a heads-up about the POSSIBILITY of an e-learning day on Monday, January 22, 2024 due to the high probability of ice early tomorrow and throughout the day. Our team is monitoring the predicted ice and wintery mix as well as the timing of this weather event, and we will notify you via alerts (Call/Text/Email & Social Media) as soon as a decision is made. We are telling you this early this evening, so you can prepare for your families. We appreciate your understanding and appreciate your patience. Decisions like these are not taken lightly. Stay tuned for updates, and thank you for being part of our District 186 community. #connect186 #weare186
4 months ago, SPS District 186
weather update | stay tuned
Springfield Public Schools District 186 is open today, Friday, January 19, 2024. Please note that with the cold temperatures & snow we have been experiencing we want to remind everyone to travel safe and make sure your student is bundled up and dressed appropriately. It is important that we work together to make sure students are prepared to go to school in cold weather. #connect186 #sps186 #weare186
4 months ago, SPS District 186
District 186 is open | January 19, 2024
In anticipation of exceptionally cold temperatures expected tomorrow morning and a water main break that is still under repair at Jefferson Middle School, Springfield Public School District 186 will have an e-learning day on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. ALL District 186 schools will have an e-learning day on January 16th. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our utmost priority, and we thank you for your understanding as we collectively navigate through these weather challenges. Based on the weather forecast we anticipate being in school on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. We have enacted our E-Learning day plan that allows students to receive asynchronous instruction at home, in lieu of using the District’s five extra days that have historically been added to the end of the school year. To learn more about District 186’s E-Learning plan visit our E-Learning webpage -
4 months ago, SPS District 186
e learning day | january 16th
We were notified by First Student that due to a higher than normal shortage of bus drivers today, there will be buses ruing late to their scheduled bus stop. Please monitor your student's bus stops. Also, all changes to buses have been entered into the First View App. You can use this app to track your student's bus and be informed of any bus number changes. We appreciate your patience and cooperation this morning.
6 months ago, SPS District 186
Enos Elementary School hosted Illusionist Chase Williams today for a Motivating Magic Show. Students were able to learn valuable lessons on staying focused, setting goals, and the importance of Reading. Every family that attends our Reading Extravaganza will receive a free ticket to attend the show on Friday!
6 months ago, Claudia Johnson
Motivating Magic Show
Enos Online Book Fair Opens on October 16, 2023! Share this link with your friends and family! Link:
7 months ago, Claudia Johnson
District 186 is excited to offer begin an after school Beginning Band Program for 5th grade students. Interested families will need to attend an information meeting for an opportunity to sign up and sign student/ parent contract. Meeting Location: Springfield High School Band room When : Thursday, Oct. 5 6-6:30pm Email Amy Minch with any questions -
8 months ago, SPS District 186
We want to remind you that we are fast approaching the deadline for students to have their physical and immunization information turned in per state guidelines. Please make sure that you have contacted your school’s nurse with your child’s upcoming physical/immunization appointment or that you have turned in your physical and immunization paperwork this week. Students failing to provide required health information will be excluded from school starting October 1st.
8 months ago, SPS District 186
Don't Forget!!! Tomorrow is our Keep Kids in School Physical & Immunization Walk- In Clinic at Sang. Co. Dept. of Public Health - 2833 South Grand Ave. East, Spfld, IL - 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
9 months ago, SPS District 186
walk in clinic tomorrow 8:30 - 12:00 pm
Stay connected!! Follow us on social media. District 186 is on Instagram, Linked In, Twitter & Facebook! We also have the District 186 App! Download it now to get the latest updates and information about your student's school! It's available in the App Store for Apple and in Google Play!
11 months ago, SPS District 186
Stay Connected! Follow District 186 on social media
Due to the power outage, the Administrative Office is closed. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the Business Office at 217-525-3040. We expect to resume normal operations Monday, July 3.
11 months ago, Rachel Dyas
All summer school programs and SCOPE are canceled Friday, June 30, to allow maintenance staff to assess and clean up buildings and grounds. We expect all programs to resume next week as normally scheduled.
11 months ago, District 186
All students and staff in summer programs are safe. Buses will run at the normal time, but routes may take longer due to traffic or blocked streets. Families are welcome to pick up students early. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority.
11 months ago, District 186
Families, please join us for Kindergarten Preview Night this Tuesday, April 25th from 6-7 p.m.! Kindergarten preview night is open to all children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2023. Join us at your child's school at 6 pm to tour the school and learn more about your child's educational future with District 186. We can't wait to see you!! To find your child's school visit here:
about 1 year ago, SPS District 186
Kindergarten Preview Night
Memorial Health will have a job recruiter on scene at Southwind Park during the Earth Day Celebration this Friday, April 21st from 10:00 to 1 :00 p.m. Learn more about career opportunities, tuition assistance and benefits and apply for positions at the event.
about 1 year ago, SPS District 186
Memorial Earth Day Celebration Job Fair